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2022-03 Thoroughbred Thunder (KOCF)

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After a two-year hiatus with no Formation Clinics in the Southeast (SE) Region, Mike Peterson of the Leeward Air Ranch Humble Squadron, coordinated and planned a gathering at the Ocala International Airport (KOCF) in Ocala Florida. This was a great gathering with 20+ airplanes in attendance, and several new pilots. It was a great mix of aircraft from Nanchang CJ-6s, a couple of Radial Rockets and RVs, a handful of EB30 Epsilons, and a Yak-52 thrown-in for good measure. The weather was fantastic, we were able to get quite a few training sorties completed and did a fly-out for lunch at the Leeward Air Ranch with a 14 aircraft mass arrival on return to OCF. It was great having the Swamp Thunder Squadron back in the saddle.

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