2017 Beaufort, SC Water Festival Airshow
Not all Airshows are flown at airports. There are times when airshows are flown as part of another event. Such is the case with the Beaufort, SC, airshow. It is scheduled as part of the city's Water Festival festivities. While not a large airshow - only two aerobatic teams and the USCG Search and Rescue (SAR) participated - it does provide a unique venue for an airshow as it was flown over the Beaufort River. With some of the best sightlines being well away from show center I wasn't able photograph more than Twin Tiger and Wild Horse Aerobatic Demonstration Teams. Prior to the Airshow there was a parade that included participation from Shriners' Chapters from SC. Background photo is Twin Tiger Aerobatic Team photo pass at the completion of its opening routine.